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Development: webdoc


Creates web documentation using the Tigris Style from a bunch of plain HTML pages and a sitemap.


The SiteMap input file describes the content of the site to create.

There is no strict format description of it available for the moment, therefore as an exmple have a look at the (shortened) sitemap of project MuliFex instead:

    <PageGenerator text="Page generated on:"/>
    <MapFolderContent text="Page Index"/>
  <Banner name="MuliFex" href="http://mulifex.sourceforge.net/"/>
    <PoweredBy name="Powered by SourceForge" href="http://sourceforge.net/"/>
    <Node name="SourceForge" href="http://sourceforge.net/"/>
    <Node name="MuliFex" href="http://mulifex.sourceforge.net/"/>
      text="Copyright © 2003-2004 "
      name="MuliFex Team <MuliFex-Team@Lists.SourceForge.Net>"
    <Node name="Home" href="index.html"/>
    <Node name="User Guide" href="userguide/index.html"/>
  <MapFolder name="MuliFex" href="index.html" style="mftools">
    <Node name="Home" href="index.html" style="bold">
      <Node name="News" href="news.html"/>
      <Node name="Screenshots" href="screenshots.html"/>
    <Node name="Development" href="development/index.html">
      <Node name="Setup" href="development/setup.html"/>
      <Node name="Documentation" href="development/documentation.html">
         <Node name="ant-tools" href="development/ant-tools/index.html"/>
      <Node name="Developer Links" href="development/links.html"/>
  <LinkFolder name="SourceForge" style="sftools">
    <Node name="SourceForge.Net" href="http://sourceforge.net/"/>
    <Node name="MuliFex Project Page" href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/mulifex/"/>
      <Node name="Developers" href="https://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=307831"/>
      <Node name="Help" href="https://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=307830"/>
  <LinkFolder name="Diablo Links" style="d2tools">
    <Node name="Blizzard" href="http://www.blizzard.com/">
      <Node name="Diablo II: LoD" href="http://www.blizzard.com/diablo2exp/"/>
      <Node name="Battle.net" href="http://www.battle.net/"/>
    <Node name="The Amazon Basin" href="http://www.theamazonbasin.com/">
      <Node name="Diablo II" href="http://www.theamazonbasin.com/d2/"/>
      <Node name="Etiquette" href="http://www.theamazonbasin.com/d2/guide_to_ab_games.php"/>


This task supports the following parameters.

Attribute Description Required
sitemap Path to the sitemap.xml file. Yes.
outputfolder The output folder to create the webpages in. Yes.
force Indicates if output is forced (ignores timestamps of files). No; defaults to false.

Nested Elements

This task supports the following nested elements.


Describes an input folder that contains plain HTML files to process.

There may be several input folders that are virtually merged. If the same file is available at several input folders it is not defined which one is taken.

Every file listed in the SiteMap has to be present in one of the input folders specified!

Attribute Description Required
path Location of the input folder. Yes.


<webdoc sitemap="sitemap.xml" outputfolder="html";>
  <inputfolder path="doc"/>
  <inputfolder path="build/doc"/>